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Summer landscaping tips!

The birds are chirping, the sun is shining, the pools are open and it is no secret that summer is here! It is officially time to get your homes landscaping together and really be proud when you look out your kitchen window. Here are some useful landscaping tips to help with that:

Buy in phases. You don’t need (or possibly can’t afford) to buy all your yard materials at once. Phase buying will help you budget and prioritize for what it is that you really need.

Get the most for your money. Cheaper is sometimes good enough, so accept it when it is. With some products there is little difference in quality between the most and least expensive, so save yourself some money and embrace the cheaper brands when they’re worthy.

Plan before you buy. Draw everything out on paper of exactly how you want your yard to look. Know exactly what you need, how much and the measurements of how it will fit.

Fertilize your grass. Ideally you should start regular fertilizing treatments to ensure that your grass grows to its full potential.

Cut back the jungle. Many everyday yard plants such as azaleas, forsythia, hollies and rhododendrons, will fill out with new growth after a season so it is important to keep up on these plants and cut back when necessary.

Foliage is always good. Continue to nurse and purchase plants that flower and are blooming, versus plants that aren’t. Foliage is not only more aesthetically pleasing, but it can add more color and drama to your yard.

Look at new layouts. Most people place all their plants and foliage on the outside perimeters of their home, yard or fence but a placing plants and landscaped pockets all throughout your yard can help add depth of field that makes your home look farther away than it is from the road.

Don’t forget the back yard. Most people are obviously concerned with the front yard being the first thing people see when driving down the driveway. But it is important to remember (especially if your back yard faces a road) to keep up with the back yard as well. This area may not need as much attention or investment, but a clean, crisp back yard can really boost your homes overall landscaping.

For more information on landscaping or TLC Incorporated, please visit our website at www.TLCIncorporated.com!

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