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Renovated Basement Use #6: Seashell Museum

Here at TLC Inc. we’re always on the lookout for out-of-the-ordinary uses for renovated basements. Since we’re in the business of remodeling basements, it’s kind of fun to see some of the out-of-the-box thinking that’s sometimes applied to renovated basement projects.


And people have certainly come up with lots of unique uses for their remodeled basements. Some are a bit strange and wacky (the basements, that is; we’ll withhold judgment on the basement owners!), some are downright weird, and some are real head-scratchers (as in: why would anyone do that?!).

But they’re all interesting!

Some of the unusual basement uses we’ve told you about in the past have included:

  • A basement converted into a log cabin
  • A basement converted into the bridge of the Starship Enterprise
  • A basement stuffed with a giant 3000-pipe Wurlitzer organ

Here’s another one:

A retired couple, Robert and Gloria Smerchansky, have been collecting seashells for decades. They’ve collected a lot of them – more than 110,000 shells. Their collection represents more than 3,000 species of shellfish from all around the world.

What to do with all those shells? Put them in the basement, of course.

But their shell collection amounts to far more than just piles of boxes stuffed into a dusty, neglected basement. Instead, they’ve organized their collection into a museum-quality display that takes up most of their nicely renovated basement.

The Smerchanskys are still avid shell hunters. And while it’s rare now for them to find a shell that isn’t already on display in their basement museum, when they do, it gets added to the collection.

Even after nearly 50 years of avid collecting, their delightfully unique basement still has room for plenty more shells.


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