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LEDs Key to Dramatically Different High-Tech Future

I’ve written frequently in this space about the many benefits of LED lighting for homeowners. When doing so, I’ve mostly focused upon the immediate benefits of LEDs that are available to every homeowner:

  • Light bulbs that are brighter and far more visually impressive
  • Light bulbs that last thousands of hours longer than old-fashioned incandescent bulbs
  • Lights that can slash the amount of energy required to illuminate a home and landscape
  • Lights that remain cool to the touch even after being lit for hours, eliminating the threat that scorching-hot incandescent bulbs can pose to children, pets, and landscape plants


I’ve mostly focused upon the benefits of using LED bulbs in landscape lighting systems. That’s a natural viewpoint for me because of my company’s work in installing landscape lighting systems, and converting existing systems to LEDs.

But recently I came across a fascinating article that illuminates the future that LED technology has made possible.

The Internet of Buildings

The solid-state aspect of LED technology will enable a dramatic leap forward in connectivity and controllability. It’s called the “Internet of Buildings,” and it’s going to provide revolutionary changes to how we live and interact with technology.

The Internet of Buildings will be a massive, interconnected network built by linking billions of LED bulbs. Sensors incorporated in each LED bulb will facilitate the creation of an intelligent nervous system of sorts. The result will be ‘smart’ buildings.

How will smart buildings impact our lives? The possibilities are unlimited, but here are just a few example scenarios:

  • Biometric sensors embedded within the LED network of an elementary school might track the alertness of students, and automatically adjust lighting to help maintain maximum alertness.
  • Beacons embedded in LEDs within your local grocery store might track your movement through the store, and offer relevant coupons for your location in the store through your smart phone.
  • The lighting system in your home might learn your habits and preferences, automatically adjusting itself accordingly. The lighting in your home might even be attuned to your moods and emotions, and use changes in lighting to help diminish your stress or to cheer you up when you’re in a funk.

It All Begins With LEDs

The Internet of Buildings isn’t here just yet, but it’s not far away. It’s a revolution that wouldn’t be possible without the worldwide shift to LEDs, a trend that’s been ongoing for nearly two decades.


And just as LED technology has plummeted in price in recent years, so have the components required to make light systems ‘smart.’ At this very moment, in fact, every single light you see – whether a landscape light, a living room lamp, a billboard sign bulb, a streetlamp, or any other type of light – is a potential sensor that can be interlinked with countless other bulbs to create an intelligent system.

So converting your landscape lighting system to LED technology? It’s a much ‘smarter’ move than you may have thought!

This entry was posted on Tuesday, February 16th, 2016 at 4:18 pm. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.