Old is in this year when it comes to Christmas lights. After new light designs such as icecle lights, net lights, and LED lights dominated the holiday light displays in past years, This article found that traditional C7 and C9 lights are back among the most popular lights. Here’s why:
More outdoor holiday light safety
This page offers some more safety tips you need to follow in order to enjoy your outdoor Christmas lights. Please keep these in mind as you decorate over the holidays.
Lighting with LEDs
If you’re looking for more efficient holiday lighting this year, LED lights may be the way to go. As this article describes, LED (light-emitting diode) lights quality lighting and energy efficiency. Once their design improves, LEDs will probably replace all other lighting options, even the new florescent bulbs. Here are some of their benefits.
Lighting options for the holidays
Many clients who come to us seeking professional holiday light installation are not fully aware of many different types of lights available out there. They want to use the lights they already own – which is just fine by us and a perfect way to proceed – but are often intrigued by their other options. This article reviews some of those options, and we’ve summarized them here.
Light precautions for the holidays
If you’re planning on putting up your own holiday lights, there are certain precautions you need to take to keep you and your home safe. This article summarizes the main safety “don’ts” you should follow.
Light work for the holidays
Here’s yet another article singing the praises of hiring professionals such as TLC Incorporated to install your holiday lighting. With more equipment at their disposal, professionals can safely install more elaborate displays while saving you time and the risk of crawling on ladders and roofs.
How does professional holiday lighting work?
Are you interested in having your holiday lights installed professionally as we described in our last post but are unsure about the process? This article describes the procedure pretty well and we wanted to pass it on to you.
Professional holiday lighting
During the past few holiday seasons have you noticed well-done light displays on homes and marveled at the homeowner’s ability to plan and execute such a clean and attractive design? I’m not talking about gaudy, over-the-top displays, but the stylish, precise displays that outline roofs, frame windows, and highlight yard features. Chances are these homeowners had their displays professionally installed. More and more homeowners are hiring companies like TLC Incorporated to design and put up their holiday lights.
Enjoy bright winter nights this year
We’ve run into many people over the years who like the idea of lighting their landscaping, but don’t want to go through the hassle and expense of a feature they can use for only half of the year. We try to tell these folks to look beyond leaves to see the potential of outdoor lighting.
Winterization steps for sprinklers and hoses
Barring an Indian summer, it’s time to get your sprinkler system, hoses, and outdoor spigots ready for winter. Prolonged freezes may be rare in the Mid-Atlantic region, but they do happen and can easily cause broken pipes in your house. Here are steps you should take now to avoid a wet winter later.