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Five-Step Landscape Prep for Winter

Winter is a time of rest for landscape grasses, shrubs and trees. It’s a time of rest for landscape owners, too – your lawn and landscape will require minimal attention during the winter months.

But it’s not time to relax just yet. Before winter arrives in full force, there are some chores you can perform to help see your lawn and landscape through the winter months and into the spring in tip-top shape.

Here are 5 tips for preparing your lawn and landscape for its winter’s slumbers:

1. One Last Mowing. You’ll probably want to give your lawn a close cut for the final mowing of the season. A grass blade height of 1 to 1 1/2 inches is ideal for overwintering. Longer grass blade heights can promote the occurrence of foliage diseases, which may result when longer blades fold over and help to increase ground-level humidity.

2. Remove Leaves. Yep, it’s a pain – but it’s best for the health of your lawn to keep it clear of leaf accumulations. If you’ve got lots of area to cover, you might consider investing in a leaf blower. Blowing leaves is considerably faster and easier than raking. More fun, too!

3. Provide a Pre-Slumber Snack. Do you like to sneak in a nice late night snack just before bedtime? Same goes for your lawn. A late season feeding just before the wintertime slumber will go down good, and help roots to remain strong and healthy during winter. Careful, though, not to be too late with that late season treat: consider snacking time to be over when the first average freeze date is about a month away. Shop for a fertilizer that is specially formulated for fall feeding.

4. Weed Control. The chore that never seems to end! But time spend in pre-winter weeding can pay off next spring by reducing the number of weeds overwintering in your lawn.

5. Tree-Trimming. Once your trees have shed their leaves, it’s much easier to spot any dead or diseased branches. Prune away dead and unhealthy limbs, and dispose of them. Winter is also a good time to reinvigorate trees by pruning back some of the summer’s growth. Removing excess growth in the center of the tree is especially helpful. Wait until the tree has gone completely dormant before trimming off healthy wood.

Pre-Winter Prep Will Payoff in Springtime Splendor

Spending some time and effort now in preparing your lawn and landscape for its winter’s rest will payoff come springtime. Your plants and sod will emerge from their seasonal slumber healthy, vigorous, and raring to grow.

Consider the time and energy you spend in pre-winter prep to be an investment that will pay handsomely about six months down the road.

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